The Gospel

Each week the Gospel is presented at Christ The King in a way that engages, builds up, and challenges.

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Jesus commands His followers to go to the world and tell the Good News. If you do not let fear and doubt stop you, what you will find is, love will replace fear, the voice of the Holy Spirit will remove your doubts, and your faith will grow.

The crucifixion brings to light several different men, from Roman soldiers to Jewish leaders, and even criminals. What we see is all who called upon the name of the Lord were saved. The Lord never forsakes those who know Him and who seek Him.

There were a number of miracles that occurred during the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. The temple curtain was torn from top to bottom, there was darkness for three hours in the middle of the day, there was an earthquake, tombs broke open, and many saints of old were resurrected. What was the point of these miracles and what do these miracles mean to you today? Find out in The Miracles During the Crucifixion.

On Resurrection Sunday, almost 2,000 years ago, Jesus Christ demonstrated His complete and total victory over sin, death, and the grave by rising to life. Jesus' resurrection makes all the difference in the world and to the world. Hope is alive! Salvation is alive! Peace is alive! Love is alive! Jesus Is Alive!